“Nothing screams business like a handshake,” said Roberto Naccarato, Sales and Marketing Manager at Elasto Proxy. “Zoom calls and Teams meetings have their place, but there’s nothing like connecting in-person”. It was a widely shared sentiment at CANSEC, Canada’s largest defense and security tradeshow. For the first time since COVID began, members of the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI) convened at the EY Center in Ottawa, Ontario for the trade group’s signature event.
In case you couldn’t join us, Elasto Proxy is eager to share what we learned not only at our booth, but also by visiting other exhibitors and interviewing attendees. Rob Naccarato was joined by Clyde Sharpe, Elasto Proxy’s General Manger; Marc Gyselinck, Branch Manager at our Montreal-area headquarters; and Justin Gosnell, Marketing Specialist from our Toronto-area branch. Representatives from our offices in Simpsonville, South Carolina and Belgium weren’t able to attend, but you can contact them.
Military Vehicles and Emerging Technologies
It’s been three years since the last in-person CANSEC, and so much has changed both in the world at large and on the tradeshow floor. CANSEC 2022 marked the return of all the big names: Airbus, Boeing, BAE, GDLS, Irving Shipbuilding, Leonardo, Raytheon, and Rheinmetall – just to name a few. Yet, this year’s event also offered opportunities to connect with companies you might not expect to see, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft, and Google Cloud. That’s because CANSEC Labs, a new part of the show, hosted companies with disruptive and emerging technologies for defense and security.
Unmanned Systems and Interactive Learning
Unmanned systems were a part of previous CANEC events, but drones reached new heights this year. There were also related technologies, such as drone detection systems, and an immersive training simulator for unmanned aircraft. Artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and machine learning were all part of the mix, and CANSEC 2022 attendees could even manipulate a holo-map, a holographically projected map for viewing an area in three dimensions. Rob Naccarato described a Simthetiq training simulator as “incredible and awesome”, and Justin Gosnell cited the laser-like focus on “how to make things unmanned”.
Vibration Mounts and Abrasive Water Jet Cutting
Visitors to Elasto Proxy’s booth were especially interested in vibration mounts, rubber-to-metal bonded assemblies that reduce damaging vibrations in military vehicles and equipment. Guests were also fascinated by how our abrasive water jet cutter can slice through 25 layers of ballistic Kevlar that’s 1″ (25.4 mm) thick. In addition to a six-axis abrasive water jet cutter, Elasto Proxy has a three-axis water jet cutting machine at our Boisbriand, Quebec headquarters. We also offer pure water jet cutting, too.
Livestream Video Interviews with Innovators
Three years ago at CANSEC, Elasto Proxy recorded podcasts with tradeshow participants and then aired the episodes later. For this year’s event, we recorded live video on YouTube and promoted these livestream events on our social media channels, which include LinkedIn. Although the defense and security industry needs industrial rubber products, it was the site of cameras and microphones rather than gaskets and insulation that prompted some CANSEC attendees to visit us.
Here are the video interviews that we captured, and that are available on YouTube for you to watch.
Lotus Design
David Lefebvre from Lotus Design, our first interviewee, has a long history with Elasto Proxy. Learn how David’s company, which provides product design services to industries such as aerospace, can help defense and security customers turn bold ideas into finished products.
Robert Dimitrieff from Patriot Forge is guiding Canada’s largest open-die forging company into the future. Hear why this metalworking leader is celebrating how for the first time since 1945, there’s a Canadian business that can make this defense-related product.
Harold Dumur is the founder and CEO of OVA, a fast-growing firm that specializes in virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) technologies. OVA began life during the pandemic but has grown from 12 to 36 employees and now aims to reach 72 team members by year’s end.
Note: This video requires editing, but we’ll share a fresh version as soon as it’s available.
Kongsberg Geospatial
Chris Gagnon, Solutions Engineer at Kongsberg Geospatial, is building precision software for mapping, geospatial visualization, and situational awareness. COVID propelled the company forward instead of requiring it to pivot. Today, its research and development (R&D) efforts keep it focused on what’s ahead.
Logistik Unicorp
Karine Bibeau, Vice President of Client Experience at Logistik Unicorp Inc. is helping keep Canadians warm with super-lightweight clothing. Customers include the Canadian Postal Service and other government agencies. The company’s plant-based fabrics support form-fitting clothing based on 3D body scans.
Beyond CANSEC and at Your Business
Across the event hall, members of the Canadian defense and security industry also discussed common manufacturing challenges. As supply chain disruptions continue and skilled workers remain hard-to-find, it’s not just CADSI members and CANSEC attendees who are adapting. Some companies are automating and digitizing operations, but many more are looking for greater supplier value for a faster return on investment (ROI).
Elasto Proxy specializes in the fabrication and distribution of low-to-medium volumes of rubber and plastic parts. Whether you need coils of extruded rubber, molded plastic components, finished gaskets, cut Kevlar, or thermal-acoustic insulation, we’re more than just a manufacturer. We also provide value-added services such as working with your sales forecasts, kitting and custom packaging your parts, and storing raw materials and finished goods. Are you ready to learn more?