
Do you have a question? Or are you looking for advice?  Book an E-Meeting, and our team members will gladly assist.

Did you know that Elasto Proxy can help you to improve your operational efficiency? Several of our team members hold a Six Sigma green belt. They understand the Eight Forms of Manufacturing Waste and can help your company to reduce waste in these key areas: transportation, inventory, motion, waiting, over-production, over-processing, defects, and unused knowledge. 

Branch 1

Branch 1 serves the following territories:
+ All of Quebec
+ New Brunswick
+ Newfoundland
+ Nova Scotia
+ Ottawa
+ Maine
+ Vermont
+ New Hampshire
+ Massachusetts
+ Connecticut
+ New York

Francois Charreton

Solution Provider

Roberto Naccarato

Customer Success Manager

Marc Gyselinck

Branch Manager

Branch 2

Branch 2 serves the following territories:
+ Ontario
+ Manitoba
+ Saskatchewan
+ Alberta
+ BC
+ Yukon
+ North West Territories
+ Nunavut
+ Washington State
+ Montana
+ North Dakota
+ South Dakota
+ Minnesota
+ Wisconsin
+ Michigan
+ Iowa

John Rye

Branch Manger

Kevin Beatty

Solution Provider

Jenny-Lynn Paterson

Solution Provider

Branch 3

Branch 3 serves the rest of the USA

Jon Campbell

Branch Manager
Ext. 326

Wes Campbell

Solution Provider
Ext. 323

Branch 4

Branch 4 serves the following territories:

+ Europe
+ Russia
+ Middle East

Stijn Verschueren

Branch Manager
00 32 (0) 33/01 01 83
Ext. 401